If you want to learn how to catch lobsters and find the good spots, we do trips to the Limfjord a couple of times a year. In the Limfjord there is a very good chance that you will come home with lobsters and maybe oysters for dinner. We do our trips in the cold months of the year, as the chance of good visibility is greater. When the water is cold, it also requires that you have the correct equipment. A 7 mm (or more) wetsuit, three-finger gloves in 5 or 7 mm. Thick neoprene socks (without holes) and possibly an inner vest to keep warm also help extend your dive.
The course lasts about 4-5 hours. We meet at 10:00 at an agreed place that suits the weather conditions. We end the day by talking about the day's dive, eating our packed lunches or grilling lobster over a fire if the weather conditions allow it.
Kleinsub brings lobster sticks, lobster gauge and fishing nets. Looking for lobsters can be demanding and we use a lot of energy, so remember to bring food and drinks for the trip.
Number of participants max 6 and minimum 3 participants.
If you have any questions about the trip, please feel free to write or call us +45 30203391